Michel Bethea

My Focus Areas Are Saving For Retirement So When It’s Time, There Is Enough Funds To Live On, And For As Long As It Is Needed.

Answer A Few Short Questions
And See If Securing Your

Retirement Income With Annuities Is The Right Choice For You.

All new clients receive a complimentary financial review of their Investment Portfolio including Retirement Income & Long-term Care planning.
Why Annuities!
Guaranteed Income:
Annuities provide a guaranteed income stream, which can help to cover essential expenses, such as housing and healthcare and can help to ensure that you don’t outlive your savings.
Tax-Deferred Growth:
Annuities can grow tax-deferred, which means that you don’t pay taxes on the growth until you start receiving payments. That is a significant advantage if you’re in a high tax bracket and want to reduce your tax bill.
Legacy Planning:

Annuities can be used as part of your legacy planning. If you choose a joint and survivor annuity, for example, you can ensure that your spouse will continue to receive payments after you pass away.

Protection Against Market Downturns:

If you choose a fixed or indexed annuity, your principal is protected from market losses.

About Me

Michel Bethea

I live in Naples, FL and I am a Registered Representative and Financial Advisor, licensed in FL, NY & OH.

Nothing compares to the feeling of helping a family or individual plan for their financial future.

I’m Most Proud Of: Hearing from clients about how our team helped improve their life. There’s nothing better!

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